Monday, 31 January 2011

Lucy`s work

Stocking Filler
What Lucy say`s: A collection of childrens hand written letters to sanata clause found in lapland post office.
What i like about this piece is the originality of it collecting all of the childrens letters from lapland and somehow creating a piece of art out of it whilst still keeping the notion of the written word insie a book.

Old times are sweetest
What Lucy Says: An alternative Fairytale of three canaries setting out on expeditions to find their one true hen.
What i like about this piece is the title as it makes you think of good memories you have with friends or family.


What Lucy says: A series of 4 newsprint pamphlets illustrate the revelation, exploration, liberation and regulation in 42 days of solitary residency in the scottish borders while awaiting spring.
What i like about this is that it shows the range if Lucy`s work, with this piece she is showing solitud, i also like the simplicity of the piece which is i think all is needed to demonstrate solitude.

 What Lucy say`s: Origami folded watercolour prints of pheasent roadkill punctuate the purified contempment of rural living as gentle reminders of rural living.
Roadkill is a very loud and brash title which i think contrasts with the simple way the piece is presented.

Permanent bibliotherapy, temporary exhibition, permanent exhibition-van?

I have the oppertunity to create a space for either Bibliotherapy which would be a permanent space, a temporarary space to exhibit lucys work or the option of a permanent traveling space inside of her van.
Each one of the options has its advantages but the two i am most drawn to is the permanent bibliotherapy as this allows you probably the most scope to be creative with, i would look into the themes of relaxation and trying to create a calm enviroment for the bibliotherapy though Lucy said her bibliotherapy is not always relaxing its tailored to whatever the person having the bibliotherapy needs so it could be something which changes either through sound, light or film for whatever style of bibliotherapy is needed.

The temporary exhibition space i also feel could be a very interesting thing to consider as Lucys work has lots of different themes remenating from them including hapines, sadnes, love and joy among others so i would not be short of inspiration.

The final space the van would be a permanent exhibition this could be an interesting thing as i could look into the van changing its space whilst going around its different locations. I feel this would be the most challenging of all of the spaces but could prove to be the most interesting and enjoyable to design for.

Sunday, 30 January 2011

Instalation Art!

I found a book all about contempory installation art in the libary the other day and it has all sorts of crazy and interesting intalation art the pieces i found most interesting. I  feel i can relate this to the way i want to exhibit Lucys work as it has all sorts of contempory designs which are very different from most designs you see.                                       

New skin, 2002, Aitken ( installation art in the new millenium)
Barbara Kruger, Power Pleasure Desire discust, 1997 (Instalation art of the new Millenium)
                                  Lee Bul, Gravity Greater than velocity 11, 1999 (installation art of the new millenium)

Friday, 28 January 2011

interesting book from libary

One of the books that i found in the libary yesterday has proved very useful, the book is called "installation art in the new millenium" -Nicolas de Oliviera, Nicola Oxly, Micheal Petry. The book is all about different forms of intallation art and there are some really inertesting, some of which you can interact with which was one of the things Lucy wanted from her space. So it gives me some idea of how to be able to house art that you can interact with.

Thursday, 27 January 2011

different spaces: temporary and permanent

One of the main thins ill have to consider when picking which space im going to create later on in the unit is the difference between the temporary space and the permanent space and the different things which could be included inside of the space. A temporary space could possibly have more room for ideas as you could youse things that can only be used for a certain amount of time and temporary spaces are usually more interesting as permanent space wil always be there, so a temporary one feels more unique and different.

research into different ideas

Today i spent time researching in the libary into many different themes will i feel can relate to Lucy and her work. One of the things Lucy mentioned was that she wants people to be able to interact with her pieces in the exibition so i have looked into all kinda of instalation art and how they are housed and shown which should give me some inspiration and ideas of how to tackle this requirment.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Gillian Wearing (signs)

One artist i find very interesting and one that uses emtions heavily in there work is Gillian wearing and especially in there Signs work in which people are totaly honest and write what they think about themselves are a certain emotion they are feeling. This probably makes people feel alot easier about expressing there emotions without actually saying them and it really works.


"I'm Desperate" 1992-3
"I like to be in the country" 1992-3

Damien Hirst Dead animals inside a tank.

Click to view full-sized image
This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed at home (1996)
Click to view full-sized image
Away from the Flock (1994)
The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living (1991)

Thoughts on what to do

There are many things you could do for this project as who and what is based on has lots of different things you could explore. One of the main things that strook me when listenin to Lucys talk was that she used dead animals in her work which is unusual so i think i will look into artists who also use this like Damien Hirst. She deals with emotions in her work which is like and endless pot of things which you could use from  hapiness, sadnes, anger, pain and love. You could use many forms of media to express these emotions from the wirrten word, songs, painting, sculptures, sounds the list in endless and this wil be another thing i will research into. The one i would like to explore more into is the idea of music portraying a certain emotion. Damien Hirst death dead animals.

start of unit.

Today was the start of the unit which is titled narrative objects: story telling + staging. The project will be based on the artist and bookmaker Lucy schofield, with the final aim to create either a permanent or temporary space in which to house Lucys objects. I am looking forward to the unit and feel that it has alot of scope to be creative and explore different concepts.